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BETER Research Group


Dr. Rita Scully        Mr Kevin O Riordan        Mr Paul Greaney
Ms Máire Daly        Ms Maria O Kelly

(BETER)   Built Environment – Technology and Educational Research is a research focused group which support’s built environment higher education through a research process which will develop understanding, engender consensus, promote a diversity of praxis and optimise the resources available to Built Environment higher education. It is intended that the work of BETER will:

  • promote research that informs the development of teaching and learning across the different built environment disciplines
  • Facilitate trans-professional integrative educational research with external partners including built environment professional bodies, industry, governmental agencies, the wider society and other third level establishments

BETER identified the potential that exists for developing collaboration links between this research group in the Department of the Built Environment in TUS with:

  • other research groups or individuals within TUS
  • industry partners
  • other research groups or individuals outside TUS

By developing a research group and working with the Graduate Studies and Research Office introduction to and collaboration with other research groups can be more focused and mutually beneficial. The Department of the Built Environment has extensive links with national and international industry partners through the 3rd year placement in a number of the Honours Degree programs.


Funded Research

CLIL4STEAM – Dr Rita Scully

Research under Ms Marie Walsh (TUS)

GRANT NUMBER: 2019-1-PL01- KA201-065027 287,064

Training videos and Maths resources for Secondary school teachers and students

Commenced: January 2020         Duration: 2 Years

Funded by Erasmus+: Strategic Partnership Key Action Content and Language Integrated Learning 4 STEAM


  • Szkoła Podstawowa nr 5 w Świdniku Poland
  • Technological University of the Shannon
  • PIXEL Associazione Italy
  • Università Telematica degli Studi IUL Italy
  • IIS E. Montale Nuovo IPC Italy
  • Traku Vytauto Didziojo gimnazija Lithuania
  • Fundatia EuroEd Romania

MathE – European Maths skills development – Dr Rita Scully

Research under Ms Marie Walsh (TUS)

GRANT NUMBER: 2018-1-PT01-KA203-047361  368,361

Training videos and Maths resources for University Lecturers and students

Commenced: January 2018         Duration: 2 Years

Funded by Erasmus+, KA2: Strategic Partnership Key Action  MathE Improve Math skills in Higher Education


  • Instituto Politécnico de Bragança
  • Technological University of the Shannon
  • EuroEd Romania
  • “Gheorghe Asachi”Technical University of Iasi
  • Università degli Studi di Genova, Dipartimento di Matematica
  • Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania

Mid-West Regional Skills Forum – Dr Rita Scully

December 2015 – March 2016

TUS Lead investigator in a funded Research Project determining Employment demand and Labour market skill sets availability in the Mid-West Region. Joint UL and TUS research, Employment Demand and Skills Set Report

TUS Campus Development

Mr Paul Greaney

Developing Project Briefs for Educational Buildings in the STEM sector i.e. New PPP Building for Applied Science & IT, New Engineering Facilities at the Coonagh Campus.

Developing capital project development guides for promotors & user groups, implementation teams and campus steering group

Working with user groups and design teams to develop consensus when project briefs are being responded to by architectural designs.

Working directly with user groups for science & IT, mechanical and automobile engineering, electrical engineering, built environment, library, learning and learner support, this process attempts to ensure the practical learning and teaching activities sought by user group are appropriately catered for in design proposals especially then complex needs of STEM learning and teaching facilities.

Technological University Development

Mr Paul Greaney

Contributing to a revised campus masterplan for TUS in light of our development as a Technological University

Member of the proposed technological university PSSG (Professional Services Steering Group), I am currently working with the sub group on developing policy on the Extended Campus which will incorporate Athlone and Midwest campuses once the merger is complete.

Dr Rita Scully

Member of the TU submission Research Group.

Maths Passport Series

Dr Rita Scully

Development of two sample Maths Passport pamphlets as resources for Built Environment Students. Joint funding by TUS Department of Built Environment and TUS Enterprise


  • Two sample Maths Passport pamphlets
  • Maths Bootcamp delivered to all 1st year Built Environment students during TUS induction week
  • Geary, Mc Partlin, Scully, Whelan, Maths Passport – Ratio, Scale and Proportion, January 2016, ISBN 0-9541582-3-7 978-0-9541582-3-1
  • Geary, Mc Partlin, Scully, Whelan, Maths Passport – Fractions, Decimals & Percentages, January 2016, ISBN 0-9541582-4-5 978-0-9541582-4-8
  • Geary, Scully, Whelan, Developing a Mathematics Boot Camp – A Development Framework, Pages 301-306, QUAESTI 2014, The 2nd Virtual Multidisciplinary Conference, 15-19 December 2014, ISBN: 978-80-554-0959-7, ISSN: 1339-5572
  • Scully, Sharing Knowledge in Micro and Small Companies, Pages 68-73, 2nd International Global Virtual Conference, GV-CONF 2014, 7-11 April 2014, ISBN: 978-80-554-0866-8, ISSN: 1339-2778
  • Scully, Underwood, Khosrowshahi, Accelerating the Implementation of BIM by Integrating the Developments made in Knowledge Management – An Irish Construction Industry Perspective, Pages 164 – 175, UK Academic Conference on (Building Information Modelling) BIM, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 5 – 7 September 2012.
  • 2013 Implementing a Knowledge Sharing Roadmap in Small and Micro Companies, Dr Rita Scully, Scholars Press, 9783639703917